Tuesday, August 21, 2012

1908--Huron High School Graduates

[Source:JOURNAL-WORLD-SPIRIT, Thu 4 Jun 1908, p1c2 'High School Commencement....']
[Sourc:DAILY HURONITE, Tues 19 May 1908, p3c4 'High School Graduates']

The graduates were:
  • Gertrude M. ABEL,
  • Hazel F. BAKER, Arnold F. BLISS, Verne C. BONESTEEL 
  • Abigail B. CORLEY, Ruby O. CROWTER,
  • Anna DALEY, Willis H. DAVIS,
  • Frank H. HUBBARD,
  • Celia M. JOHNSON,
  • Ethel M. KESTER,
  • Lillian LONGSTAFF,
  • Florence L. McGARVEY, Rollin J. MILLS,
  • Gertrude E. OLSON,
  • Kenneth P. PARKE, Elizabeth V. PEASE, Verde PERKINS,
  • Helen I. RICHARDSON,
  • Blair SAXTON, Martina M. SCHOENERT, Frances B. SHEPARD, Ina M. SPARKS, Sina S. STARKSON,
  • Britton L. UDELL, Rosa S. URQUHART,
  • Mabel K. WHALEN.
[The J-W-S photocopy is fuzzy.]

Saturday, July 7, 2012

DO YOU KNOW -- 10 Dec 1928

DO YOU KNOW was a series of short history items run in the 1920's, advertising the J. P. WALSH Mortuary Home.

[Source:EVENING HURONITE, Mon 10 Dec 1928, p6c4]

Not many patents had yet been issued for land in Beadle county (most homesteaders were living in tarpaper covered shacks) and Huron had not yet reached the kindergarten age when William T. LOVE built our first and only street railway with its horse-drawn cars.  Jess AYERS was conducter [sic] on it for a while.  Line to the old fair grounds north of tracks on west side of Dakota avenue finished just in time for the first territorial fair held in Huron.  Fare for initial trip 20 cents--Clarence BOWE was a passenger.  Many paid fare and ran by side of crowded car so they might say they made first trip.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mildred (McEWEN) JONES Manuscripts

"Pioneer family histories recorded in scrapbooks"
[Source:HURON DAILY PLAINSMAN (Huron, SD), Thu 19 Feb 1987, p6]

Mildred McEWEN JONES collected stories of the local past which were bound into five manuscripts:  A HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF BEADLE COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, 1879-1900, three volumes organized by townships, and PIONEER RESIDENTS OF THE CITY OF HURON, two volumes.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Spink County--Abbie GARDNER, 1857

"Monument Near Redfield Marks Spot Where Young Girl Rescued" 
[Source:The Huronite and The Daily Plainsman, Sun 9 Dec 1951, p17c1] 

The monument is two miles north of Redfield, South Dakota, on Highway 281. Mentioned:
Abbie GARDNER, Major Charles E. FLANDREAU, Hagman’s Grove, Mrs. NOBLE, Mrs. THATCHER, Spirit Lake Massacre (Iowa), Charlotte Warrington Turner Chapter (Daughters of the American Revolution (Spink County).


[Source:Huron newspaper, 7 Feb 1918, p8c3]
This article had some interesting history--and in my excitement, I didn't get a complete reference.  Sigh.

The Bureau of Land Management records lists Matthias B. SCOFIELD on section 2, Burr Oak Township, in 1889.  The 1906 Beadle County atlas [view at Historic Map Works] lists John and Herman WULLWEBER on the southeast and southwest quarters of Section 2, Burr Oak Township (Township 109, Range 65).

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hatfield Recalls Huron 65 Years Ago (c1883)

[Source:The Huronite & Daily Plainsman (Huron, SD), Thursday, 1 April 1948, p2c6]

R. B. HATFIELD [Roy Berton], 125 Seventh St. S. W., said that Huron wasn't much to look at when he got his first glimpse of the prairie town just 65 <1883> years ago this morning.  HATFIELD was just a boy when his mother [Mary Elizabeth (SANDERS) HATFIELD] brought him and three other children [Ira H., Sarah Elizabeth, Jennie Pearl] to Huron to join their father [Jacob Cramer HATFIELD], who had come here to pioneer three years before that.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hickle Central South Dakota Newspaper Database

"There are others who are not remembered, as if they had never lived,
who died and were forgotten..."Ecclesiastes 1:11

This is the beginnings of a database of obituaries and death notices in my files (and other sources).  There are problems to work out before I can create the list with less manual editing.

Obituaries 1973-1980 and 1987-2011 are or will be indexed and posted by year.

Roughly, the sources are:
  • McEWEN = Mildred McEWEN JONES manuscripts at the Huron Public Library.
  • Newspaper is just that, newspapers.

ABELL, Pearl Louise c1873-c1963--Obituary ‘Mrs. Marshall P. Montgomery’. [Source:McEWEN, HURON J-Z, p306]
ACKERMAN Maria (TODD) 1839-1929--Obituary ‘Hold Rites For Mrs. Ackerman’. [Source:Newspaper]
ACKERMAN, Green 1832-1891--Obituary [no title].  [Source:Newspaper]

Saturday, June 9, 2012

C. N. W. Station; Depot Hotel, Fire, 1913

[Source:DAILY HURONITE, Fri 13 Feb 1914, p2c3]

It was a year ago today that the old C. N. W. Station and the Depot hotel burned.  The intervening time has been well accounted for and Huron now has some of the finest railway buildings to be found anywhere.

Jacob C. HATFIELD, Old Illinois Street School, First National Bank

[from the obituary of Jacob Cramer HATFIELD, EVENING HURONITE, Monday, 24 February 1936, p1c3]

He came here in 1882 and homesteaded 9 miles north and 1 mile east of Huron on what became known as the Hatfield Ranch.
Early Huron Contractor
For the first few years, he followed his trade, carpentry, and worked in Huron.  His firm, PARKER and HATFIELD, erected the first brick schoolhouse in Huron, the old Illinois Street School, and also the first brick bank building, the old First National which was operated by the CAMPBELLs and which stood on the present site of the Lampe Market.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obituaries, 1977 (Partial List) -- Updated 10 May 2012

The following is a list of decedents from obituaries and deaths published in the Huron Daily Plainsman, Huron, South Dakota.
  • Obituaries are available on microfilm at the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, aka the Family History Library.
    Title:Newspaper clippings from Huron Daily Plainsman, mainly obituaries, 1973-1977.
    Microfilm number:1036855, Item 2 (1977)
  • HPnnD-pppc = the scrapbook number, page, and column (a-f).
AALBERS, Cornelia (Mrs) 1886-1977--res:Saint Lawrence SD; Highmore SD. [Source:HP14D-030a]
AALBERS, Gradus--Deceased spouse; d:1955; see:(Mrs) Cornelia AALBERS.
AARSTAD, Lena (Mrs) 1893-1976--res:Willow Lake SD. [Source:HP14D-001a,13D-139c]
ABBOTT, Hazel M 1908-1977--md:VITTERS; res:Saint Lawrence SD.  [Source:HP14D-070e]
ABRAM, Margaret (Mrs) c1889-1977--res:Harrold SD; Excelsior Springs MO. [Source:HP14D-040c]

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Obituaries, 1974

The following is a list of decedents from obituaries and deaths published in the Huron Daily Plainsman, Huron, South Dakota.
  • Clippings are available on microfilm at the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, aka the Family History Library.
    Title:Newspaper clippings from Huron Daily Plainsman, mainly obituaries, 1973-1977.
    Microfilm number:928217, Item 2.
  • HPnnD-pppc = the scrapbook number, page, and column (a-f).
AAKER, Antone--Deceased spouse; d:1964; see:Nannie O (RING) AAKER.
AAKER, Nannie O (Mrs)--age:83; res:Bryant SD.  [Source:HP11D, p008d]
AASBY, Cathy Jo--age:INF; res:Pierre SD.  [Source:HP11D, p033d]
ABBOTT, Madeline Jane--age:32; res:Ellsworth AFB SD.  [Source:HP11D, p009e]
ABRAHAMSON, Alfred--age:69; res:Kennebec SD.  [Source:HP11D, p014c]
ABRAHAMSON, Gladys--Deceased spouse; see:Will APLAND.

Obituaries, 1973

The following is a list of decedents from obituaries and deaths published in the
--Daily Plainsman, Huron, SD (through 9 Nov 1973) and
--Huron Daily Plainsman (11 Nov 1973 continuing).

  • Clippings are available on microfilm at the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, aka the Family History Library.
    Title:Newspaper clippings from Huron Daily Plainsman, mainly obituaries, 1973-1977.
    Microfilm numbers:924496, Item 2; 982415, Item 15.
  • HPnnD-pppc = the scrapbook number, page, and column (a-f).
ACKERMAN, Osborne R--1894-1973; res:Howard SD.  [Source:HP09D-010d]
ADAMS, George W--1890-1973; res:Huron SD.  [Source:HP10D-052a]
ADAMS, Robert A--c1942-1973; res:Rapid City SD.  [Source:HP10D-079e]
ADEBAR, Richard G--1908-1973; res:Huron SD.  [Source:HP10D-052a(2x)]
ADRIAN, William Vaughn--1907-1973; res:Redfield SD.  [Source:HP09D-019a]

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Obituaries, 1995 (Partial List) -- Updated 14 March 2012

Here is an updated list of the 1995 obituaries from the Plainsman (Huron, SD) newspaper:

AASBY, Harold F--age 69; res:Highmore SD; d:1995.
ABRAHAMSON, Lyla--md:THOMPSON; age:78; res:Carthage SD; Madison SD; d:1995.
ACKER, Lawrence Anthony 'Larry'--age 78; res:Lane SD; d:1995.
ADAMS, Clarence M 'Babe'--age 72; res:Pierre SD; d:1995.
ADAMS, Melissa Ann--age 9; res:Pierre SD; d:1995.
ADAMS, Ruth--age 71; res:Denmark NY; d:1995.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Obituaries, 1987

The following obituaries were printed in the PLAINSMAN (Huron, SD) newspaper.
  • ( )=maiden surname.
  • md=married surname.
  • HPnn-pppc=my scrapbook number, page, and column (a-f).
ABBY, Joseph Edward--age:62; res:Miller SD; d:1987.  [Source:HP01-004d]
ABERLE, Mike--age:20; res:Timber Lake SD; d:1987.  [Source:HP01-054b]
ABLER, Gerald--age:64; res:Oklahoma City OK; d:1987.  [Source:HP01-073c]
ABRAHAM, Alma Esther (WAIT)--age:78; res:Wessington Springs SD; Renton WA; d:1987.  [Source:HP01-053f]
ACKLEY, Esther Bernece--md:LUVASS; age:59; res:Bradley SD; d:1987.  [Source:HP02-114c]

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Some things such as moving and health caused a forced break.  My apologies.

Obituaries, 1992 (Partial List)

The following obituaries were printed in the PLAINSMAN (Huron, SD) newspaper.
  • ( )=maiden surname.
  • md=married surname.
  • HPnn-pppc=my scrapbook number, page, and column (a-f).

ALLISON, Tillie, md:KITCHEN, age 98, res:Howard SD; d:1992.  [Source:HP08-580c]
ANDERSON, Lorene 'Nickie' (NICHOLSON), age 81, res:Denali Park AK; d:1992.  [Source:HP08-577f]
ANDERSON, Maryan E, md:DWYER, age 78, res:Wessington Springs SD; d:1992.  [Source:HP08-578f]
ANDERSON, Quentine, age 74, res:Lake Preston SD; d:1992.  [Source:HP08-582f]