Thursday, March 24, 2011

Huron Flour Mill, 1898

Found while I was looking for something else!
[Source:The Daily Huronite, Tuesday, 16 August 1898, page 4, column 2]
For some time the firm of J. W. Kelley & Son have been busy remodeling and refurnishing the Huron flouring mill.  They have re-set all the old machinery; replaced that which was unfit for use by new; added a mill for grinding graham flour; one for buckwheat; and still another one for corn meal.  When all their

Monday, March 7, 2011

Township Names - 21 March 1960 ["Pioneer Days" column, written by Mildred McEWEN JONES]

Mildred McEWEN JONES was a retired school teacher who had a heart for history.  From 1955-1970, she conducted interviews and collected family information resulting in five bound manuscripts at the Huron Public Library. Unfortunately, few sources are cited. Here is an article she wrote about the Beadle County townships

Thursday, March 3, 2011


This has nothing to do with genealogy and history, but it does help us see a bit of the lifestyle in 1921.
[Source:Evening Huronite, Monday, 27 June 1921, page 3, column 3]

A warrant was issued at the police station today for the arrest of Carl LUNDBLAD, residing at 154 Illinois street.  This action was taken up complaint made against by Anna BALBACH of that neighborhood charging him with allowing his chickens to run at large.  The hearing was scheduled to take place before Judge SEARLES this afternoon.