Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Huron City Schools - Roll of Honor for January, 1884

School records that I have located start in the 1900s so I am delighted to find any listing of students 1880-1905.  [If you know of other listings, please let me know.]  Many children were born before birth records were required, died young, and are buried in unmarked graves.  It's a challenge to identify them. 
[Source:Dakota Huronite, Thursday, 7 February 1884, p3c3]
G&HS=Grammar and High School
INT=Intermediate Department
PRI=Primary Department

City Schools

We publish as follows the Roll of Honor, as prepared by Prof. BROWN....

[B] Fred BAKER, G&HS; Wallie BAKER, PRI; Clifford BARLOW, PRI; Marion BARLOW, PRI; Edith BARTLETT, PRI; Carrie BEEBE, INT; Bessie BENSON, PRI;

Monday, February 21, 2011

Huron Church Will Observe Birthday - October, 1930

Source:Views of Huron : the "Good Old Days" (Spiral Scrapbook) / Huron, SD : Mrs Charles Barkl, 1930-1940, page "4" [Location:Huron Public Library].
Caption:  Here is a picture of Huron's first place of worship, the Baptist church which stood on the present site of the A. M. Urquhart garage [101-3rd Street Southeast].  Built in 1880 at a cost of about $2,000, the edifice was dedicated the following year.

This same photograph was in the Evening Huronite, 24 June 1930, page 5, column 5 with the caption:

Baptists Put Up First Church
Here is Huron's first place of worship, the Baptist church which was completed in the fall of 1880 at a cost of $2,000.  The Rev. George A. Cressey was pastor.  The building stood at Third and Kansas on the site now occupied by A. M. Urquhart's garage. It faced west.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

First Depot, 1880

Source:Views of Huron : the "Good Old Days" (Spiral Scrapbook) / Huron, SD : Mrs Charles Barkl, 1930-1940, page "5" [Location:Huron Public Library].
First depot 1880. used until Kent House  [was] built about 1883. The Pres. [Presbyterian] Church and the Union S.S. [Sunday School] were organized here.  All faced the north.  The depot was at the north side and the baggage at the west end.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Andreas' History of Beadle County, 1884 - Churches

Source: Andreas, A T. Andrea's historical atlas of Dakota. Chicago: A. T. Andreas, 1884; [Printed by] R. R. Donnelley & Sons, The Lakeside Press.
p. 146, col. 3--Continued
[Pioneer Union Sunday School]
The Pioneer Union Sunday school was the first religious organization in the city.  It began with a  membership of fourteen, on the 27th day of June, 1880.  It was discontinued on the 4th day of  November, 1883.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Huron's Early History - Firsts - about 4 Jul 1905

Here is an undated clipping from the Huron Public Library files.
A Few Facts Connected With the Early History of Our City Upon the Jim

A few of the "firsts" connect with the founding of Huron, whose twenty-fifth anniversary we celebrated July 4th, 1905, are given below and may prove of interest to both old settlers and to the newcomers.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Andreas' History of Beadle County, 1884 - Early History - City of Huron

Source: Andreas, A T. Andrea's historical atlas of Dakota. Chicago: A. T. Andreas, 1884; [Printed by] R. R. Donnelley & Sons, The Lakeside Press.
p. 146, col. 1--continued
Probably the first settlement in this county dates from the month of April, 1879, when Charles Miner located at the mouth of Pearl Creek on Section 14, Town 109, Range 61

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Andreas' History of Beadle County, 1884 - Description - Organizaton

For my first post, let's start with a history written in 1884, four years after Beadle County was organized.
Source: Andreas, A T. Andrea's historical atlas of Dakota. Chicago: A. T. Andreas, 1884; [Printed by] R. R. Donnelley & Sons, The Lakeside Press. 
p. 145, col. 1
This county is situated in the far-famed James River Valley, immediately north of the Second standard parallel and about equi-distant between the Missouri River and the Minnesota State